The planet bestows them with skills of adorability and charisma. Not all September Libras have Virgo Mercury and not all October Libras have Scorpio Mercury! However, because Mercury is never more than 28º .1st Libra Decan is born between 23rd September to 3rd October, and they are ruled by Venus. For the astrological sign of Libra the dates of the 3 decans are. To know your decan, you just need your birthday day and month.

Date: DayAstrological sign of Libra: dates, months and decans Libra : September 23 - October 22 ♎ Each star sign is divided into 3 equal parts, which are called decan. They are not only …Try our decan calculator using your date of birth to find out your decan and how it interact. Leos born during August 1 to August 10 have a distinct and typical personality of Leo zodiac signs. 2nd decan libra datesLeos Second Decan - Personality and Characteristics.